Vastu Tips for Placing Mirrors at Home and Office

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Vastu Tips for Placing Mirrors at Home and Office

Vastu Shastra is an ancient science of living that is extensively used in Indian architecture. It highlights the value of balance and harmony in living environments. Mirrors are employed as reflective features that can contribute significantly to this equilibrium. In this blog, we will look at the benefits of positioning mirrors in specific directions according to Vastu principles, as well as practical ideas for mirror placement in various locations of your house and business.

Benefits of Mirrors in the Home and Office According to Vastu

Mirrors, according to Vastu Shastra, are more than just reflections. They have the ability to positively alter the energies within a room. Here are some major advantages of having mirrors in your living and working areas:

  • Mirrors may enhance natural light. Placing them strategically to reflect natural or artificial light can brighten a room and create a pleasant atmosphere.

  • Mirrors may give the impression of more space in smaller places. Placing them on opposing walls might make the room appear larger, which is consistent with Vastu's emphasis on space.

  • Vastu suggests installing a mirror in the north direction to bring wealth and financial chances. The northern direction is related with Kuber, the deity of wealth.

  • Mirrors can improve Vastu by balancing energies. If a room contains architectural defects or negative energy, strategically placed mirrors can deflect or dissipate these impacts.

Vastu Tips for Placing Mirrors in Homes and Offices

Let's look at particular Vastu guidelines for mirror placement in various locations of your home and office:


Vastu Tips for Mirrors in the Bedroom

Avoid putting mirrors in the bedroom since they might interrupt sleep and peace. If you must have one, make sure it isn't facing the bed. Cover it at night to avoid interruptions and restless nights. Also, keep a Bagua mirror at the entrance to your bedroom to protect it from harmful energies.


Vastu ideas for mirrors in living rooms

Placing a mirror on the north or east wall of the living room is considered lucky. It promotes the flow of positive energy and provides a sense of spaciousness. However, ensure that the mirror is not immediately facing the main door, as this can deflect beneficial energy.

Vastu for mirrors in workplace

In your office, placing a mirror on the north or east wall can bring positive energy and prospects. Avoid placing a mirror immediately in front of your desk, as it may cause distractions.


Do's and Don'ts of Mirror Placement in Home and Office According to Vastu

To get the most out of mirrors and avoid potential disturbances to the flow of positive energy, here are some do's and don'ts to remember:



  • Invest in high-quality mirrors for clean, undistorted reflections. Broken or distorted mirrors can disrupt beneficial energy flow. 
  • Keep mirrors clean and smudge-free. Regular maintenance is required to guarantee that they reflect light and energy effectively.
  • Mirrors can help to balance the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) in your living and working areas.
  • Use mirrors to correct Vastu problems, such as architectural errors or negative energy in a room.
  • Install mirrors on walls permanently. Avoid displaying them on a stand or hanging them.
  • To prevent unwanted vibes, place a Bagua mirror at your home's main door.


  • Avoid installing mirrors in bedrooms, especially those facing the bed. This may interrupt sleep and peace.
  • Broken mirrors should be discarded or repaired as soon as possible since they are said to draw bad luck and energy. 
  • Avoid placing mirrors facing the main door of your home or office, as this might repel positive energy. 
  • Use mirrors sparingly in the kitchen since they can cause confusion and break the overall harmony of the space.
  • Do not use numerous mirrors simultaneously. Always utilise single-length mirrors.

Mirrors, when placed strategically, become potent weapons for amplifying positive energies and correcting bad impacts, according to Vastu principles.


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